Friday, February 18, 2011

Dairy Queen Sues Franchisee

Dairy Queen's filed a federal suit against an unhappy franchisee it says threatened to hurt the company in a $13 million extortion scheme. The Minneapolis Business Journal reports International Dairy Queen's asked the court to cut ties to the operator of four Iowa stores who says he’ll go public with information that would cause $100 million in damage to the company. International DQ also wants an order keeping franchisee, Guy Blume of Ankeny, from defaming them.


  1. I can not believe this information would actually get to a franchisee. Test answer Questions wow that has to be embarrassing for DQ. I read the lawsuit it sounds like DQ is trying to deflect attention from misdeeds they have committed. It seems the franchisee was trying to communicate with DQ and they clearly ignored him. Whats clearly missing is ACH authorizations nowhere could I see any actual signed ACH authorization form. I just find it hard to believe DQ being owned by the greatest investor of all time could be this disorganized. I also find it very disturbing that Dairy Queen would not provide disclosure... Ryan Palmers comments are correct this should of never escalated to this point. It sounds like Dairy Queen is trying to control freedom of speech and demonize the franchisee. This is the United States I know if Warren Buffet looked at this he would agree its definately giving Dairy Queen a black eye.

    Read more: Dairy Queen sues Iowa franchisee over alleged $13 million extortion plot | Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal

  2. oh no. I worked at one of Guy Blume's Iowa Dairy Queens. He is a complete idiot. He in no way was trying to communicate with DQ. He is a gold digger. This man had so many illegal things going on in his DQ's it's hard to believe. I was working 13 hours shifts and running fryers and grills at age 14. Guy Blume is completely crazy in my opinion and deserves everything he has coming to him.
